G3SG1 vs SCAR-20


The G3SG1 deals the same damage (64) as the SCAR-20 (64).

The G3SG1 fires at the same rate (240 RPM) as the SCAR-20 (240 RPM).

The G3SG1 deals the same damage per second (256) as the SCAR-20 (256).

The G3SG1 loses the same damage due to distance (1.9 %) as the SCAR-20 (1.9 %).

The G3SG1 has the same armour penetration (82.5 %) as the SCAR-20 (82.5 %).

Accuracy and mobility

The G3SG1 has the same accuracy (26.1) as the SCAR-20 (26.1).

The G3SG1 has the same movement penalty (14 %) as the SCAR-20 (14 %).


The G3SG1 and the SCAR-20 are not able to be purchased by the same team.

The G3SG1 earns the same kill reward ($ 300) as the SCAR-20 ($ 300).

Other attributes

The G3SG1 has the same clip size (20) as the SCAR-20 (20).

The G3SG1 has the same ammunition in reserve (90) as the SCAR-20 (90).

The G3SG1 reloads slower (4.7 s) than the SCAR-20 (3.1 s).

The G3SG1 deploys at the same speed (1 s) as the SCAR-20 (1 s).

Closing thoughts

As the Terrorist teams semi-automatic sniper rifle, the G3SG1 can deal staggering damage output with accuracy.

The G3SG1 has very high damage output at range with accuracy. Interestingly, it also reloads quicker than the Terrorist equivalent.